Compare The Liposuction And Coolsculpting Fat Removing Treatments

Fat reduction treatments have become extremely popular lately. More people are considering these treatments to remove unwanted fat cells from their bodies. There are plenty of fat reduction treatments available. The methods of their treatment differ from each other. Some of these fat reduction treatments include CoolSculpting and Liposuction. These are the two popular fat reduction treatments. These two treatments have proven to remove fat by destroying the fat cells effectively.

Liposuction And CoolSculpting

There are plenty of other non-surgical treatments that can effectively remove fat from your body. However, Liposuction and CoolSculpting are the two most common and popular methods of removing fat cells under your skin. They use body contouring procedures to remove unwanted and excessive fat from different parts of the body. It is essential to talk about these two popular fat-reducing treatment methods before comparing the two. Let us understand these two treatments in detail:

  • CoolSculping

It is a non-surgical, non-invasive fat-removing procedure. This medical procedure is often referred to as cryolipolysis. This medical procedure is useful helps remove excess fat cells from under your skin. It is such a method that does not involve any surgery. The plastic surgeon who is trained in coolSculpting take sessions.

With the help of these sessions, they destroy the unwanted fat cells from your body. This procedure uses many special tools that can freeze or clamp down unnecessary fat. After the treatment procedure is completed, your body will naturally eliminate the frozen fat cells through the liver. It involves no anesthetizing, stitching, or cutting. Just a few weeks after the treatment procedure, there will be visible results. You can consider visiting coolsculpting jersey city clinics.

  • Liposuction

Liposuction is an invasive cosmetic procedure. However, unlike CoolSculpting is a surgical procedure. This procedure involves stitching, cutting, and even anesthesia. Plastic surgeons sometimes might use lidocaine or local anesthesia to sedate the patients undergoing this treatment. It uses the suction technique that can be useful in removing fat from the hips, abdomen, buttocks, arms, thighs, and even neck area. Plastic surgeons use a tool known as a cannula for vacuuming fat from these body parts.

Liposuction Vs. CoolSculpting

Many factors differentiate Liposuction and CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment, while Liposuction is an invasive fat-removing procedure. Besides this, there are plenty of other differences between the two cosmetic procedures:


  • It takes one procedure to get the necessary results from this treatment method.
  • This entire procedure takes one to two hours to complete. It depends on the size of the flat area that needs to be removed.
  • It might take a few days to recover from this treatment completely.
  • It is an outpatient surgery.
  • The cost of Liposuction is more than the cost of CoolSculpting.


  • It requires almost no downtime for recovery. Patients can resume their work right after this treatment is done.
  • There is not one procedure but several sessions involved with this cosmetic procedure. Each session treatment takes an hour to complete.
  • The cost of CoolSculpting is not more than Liposuction. This is mainly because CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure.
  • It is an outpatient treatment.

The results that each treatment method shows are almost similar. The target of both of these treatments is to remove excess fat cells from your body. When it comes to risks, they both have enough.

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Zachary Lester is a news writer from Adelaide, Australia. He graduate with flying colors from the University of South Wales.