Brief Notes On Androgenic-Anabolic Steroids

One of the most trending words in the medical industry is the AAS which stands for Androgenic-anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are prescribed for the treatment of a few medical conditions. However, some individuals use it illegally for increased performance, muscle mass, and endurance. No wonder there is an increase in demand for Trenbolon in the present times.

Get to know What it is AAS?

Anabolic steroids are drugs derived from testosterone. These are artificially derived drugs. The male hormone is essential for promoting and maintaining muscle growth and developing secondary sex characteristics like facial hair and deepened voice. This affects the body parts: bones, muscles, hair follicles, kidneys, blood, liver, immune system, central nervous system, and reproductive system.

What is The connection between testosterone and AAS

During puberty, testosterone promotes increased height, muscle mass, deepening voice, hair growth, and sex drive. It can also boost self-esteem, competitiveness, and aggressiveness. Synthetic steroids can boost athletic performance by building muscle similar to the functions of male hormones. However, they do cause adverse effects if taken incorrectly.

Aggression, undesired body changes, and heart-linked problems are a few of the effects of long-term usage. You may not know their street names like gym candy, roids, pumpers, stackers, and Arnolds.

One of the problems of excessive usage of AAS is the development of tolerance towards it. This means the body can restrict the regular release of testosterone.

Patterns of usage

Some people use drugs in different patterns.

  • Cycling

The word ‘cycling’ refers to the intake of drugs in cycles for an approximate 6-12 weeks, followed by stopping intake for a minimum of 4 weeks to a couple of months.

  • Stacking

The word ‘stack’ gives us a hint of combining means two or more types of steroids are consumed together to maximize the benefits of the drugs.

  • Pyramiding

Like the pyramid structure, the dosage of steroids is gradually increased to the highest point, then reduced.

Medical benefits

  • A certain kind of steroids is utilized as a remedy. For example, Asthma patients have reported gaining relief with the usage of corticosteroids.
  • Doctors also prescribe the medicine to treat hypogonadism in males. However, AAS is not recommended by all physicians. These drugs are sold and considered legal when the patients visit a pharmacy and a doctor’s prescription.
  • The most commonly treated conditions by the AAS are muscle-mass loss and delayed puberty. The loss of muscle mass can be caused by conditions such as AIDS or cancer.

From the above, it is understood that the AAS carries medical benefits for the patients and sportsmen. However, it is to be noted that it must be consumed after consultation with a doctor to avoid side effects such as fluid retention, acne, a high number of red cells, difficulty in urinating, hair loss or growth, infertility, uneven libido levels.

The adverse effects are due to overdosage or incorrect patterns of consumption. This is why purchase beneficial steroids like the Trenbolon only per the medical practitioner’s recommendation.